Bouquet of red roses- Cottavoz View larger

Bouquet of red roses- Cottavoz

André Cottavoz.
Bouquet of red roses.
Oil on canvas - undated - signed, signed on the back.
unique work, sold "as is".

Presentation by Florent : A delicious little bouquet of red roses to consume without moderation, to buy by desire, by passion; for oneself or for love, to offer it to
enjoy or to speculate. In any case, it's only happiness.

Framework modern and contemporary.
Disign by a professional workshop Craftsman.
Certificate issued by Florent COTTAVOZ.

Shipping : Arts painting delivery in a protective woodbox and polyethylene foam.
Overall size of the package in cm (height - width - thickness) 60x50x15. Weight 8 kg.
Shipping offered for France and EEC Collisimo recommended.
Removal gallery, other delivery method, shipping outside the EEC, on request
Sending "Gift" attach your message to the recipient, shipping to an address other than the billing address, send us your instructions to



